
Vitamin D & COVID-19

What if a cheap supplement could help protect you from COVID-19? Vitamin D may very well improve outcomes associated with COVID-19.

There have been a number of studies showing a link between Vitamin D and COVID-19. For example, this study shows how low Vitamin D levels are associated with increased COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality.

In terms of cause-and-effect, study showed positive results from Vitamin D supplementation. This study showed no effect. Other, larger randomized studies are underway.

Unfortunately, some government bodies are taking a wait-and-see approach, citing there is “insufficient evidence” for Vitamin D supplementation at the present time.

Why, in the midst of a pandemic, would anyone want to wait for that evidence given that Vitamin D is an extremely safe supplement? There is a high potential upside with virtually no risk.

This idea was recently summarized by a group of researchers:

“There seems nothing to lose and potentially much to gain by recommending vitamin D supplementation for all, e.g. at 800–1000 IU/day, making it clear that this is to help ensure immune health and not solely for bone and muscle health.”

Personally, I take 4,000 IU of Vitamin D per day (this brand). More information about Vitamin D is available here.

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