
Hunt, Gather, Parent

Hunt, Gather, Parent might be the best book I’ve read this year.



Queen City Zine Fest 4.0



Bored and Online

From this study:

“The current study supports the growing body of literature suggesting that using social networking sites to alleviate boredom and socially connect, may place individuals at increased risk for developing pathological tendencies and patterns of behavior towards social networking sites.”



The Goal of Exercise is to Keep Exercising

In the short-term, exercise can be a tool to build muscle or reduce fat. But for a person to continue exercising over the long-term, it has to be enjoyable in my view.

Said differently, the goal of any exercise session is that it gets you to come back next time.

I still go out and run 2-3 times a week the same as I did 20 years ago. Yes, I want to be healthy, but I exercise primarily because I enjoy the exercise sessions themselves.

Do whatever you like as long as it is enjoyable. Enjoyment trumps all in the long-run.



Excessive Internet Use

Great article about the effects of excessive internet use on adolescents.



Whole Foods

Good article:



Queen City Zine Fest 3.0


Queen City Zine Fest 2.5

We’ll be there! Our zines can be purchased by clicking here.



I’ve come across some writing on Substack that is really well-done, much better than the low bar set by mainstream publishers. I surely would have used Substack or something similar back when I was blogging more frequently.


Blogging Is Dead, and That’s Not a Good Thing

It’s amazing how much the blogging world has changed over the past ten years. While blogs used to hold the majority of the conversations, now they do not. I often see the websites of best-selling authors that have zero comments on their blogs.

Of course, all the conversations have moved to social media. My issue is that these companies are disproportionally benefiting from this arrangement. The participants are the ones creating the conversations and potentially creating value. The companies profit from this while the participants make nothing.

Twitter is nothing more than a website – a large server. The main reason they’re successful is they have created a critical mass and achieved a network effort. I’m sure someone could build a clone of Twitter in a short period of time. For such an unremarkable product, the economic gains seem outsized.

I hope that online conversations will eventually shift back to decentralized platforms.